By @samuel · 2021-08-30 13:04
Some time ago I posted an announcement on GitHub. It goes through what I'd like to add in v4 and asks for more suggestions from the community.
Some people have suggested very cool ideas, such as using Postgres Row Level Security, improving the default DB schema, and a few other things.
I'm cross-posting this here, since the v4 version is more relevant now than it was back when I posted that announcement. Things got a bit delayed, but now I'm finishing final things in Lean Admin and will start working on the v4 of the Tenancy package and the new SaaS boilerplate right after launching Lean.
So, if you have any suggestions or would like to discuss anything related to v4 — feel free to reply below.
By @stongoi · 2021-12-30 00:26
Hi, I have been waiting on v4 for a few months. Do you have a quick update on when it will be available? Do you need any help with it? I'd like to buy a licence but have been waiting for the new version.
By @samuel · 2021-12-30 12:24
Hey, you can see some recent updates here:
By @stongoi · 2021-11-06 16:57
Hi @stancl, any updates on this?